​​​I draw my inspiration from nature.

Growing up in Michigan with the gifts of the changing seasons has always provided a beautiful canvas. My parents encouraged my love of art with “Busy boxes” filled with art supplies. At a young age you could find me often searching in a button tin, photo basket or junk drawer. I would pack a sack lunch, art supplies, favorite Indian blanket and head out into the meadow to create. As a young woman I spent over 20 years owning a busy Fashion store, squeezing in art and business classes.

My art work has always been created with the outdoor spirit and nature I craved as a child and the wisdom I have earned as an adult. It has always been my nature to put a calm happy creative spirit into my art work.

In the end, that is what I hope to give to others with my art. I create art in Michigan, from a home studio in the woods or at our lovely Wildwood Sweetpea Cottage on the lake. I often work with Clay, Glass, Metals, Textiles, Watercolors, Collage, Photography...and of course natures gifts. My hands and spirit create useful beautiful objects of art; it is a pleasure to be able to share these gifts.

I sell my artworks at Galleries and shows. I am blessed with a variety of studios to work in all located in beautiful Michigan.  

This online website www.Sweetpeacottagepottery.com points you to my Etsy shop also.             Enjoy....Jannett 

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Inspired by nature... just for you!

Handmade Pottery just for you!

Sweetpea Cottage Pottery

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Nature inspired online at www.Sweetpeacottage.etsy.com

Shop today online at Sweetpea Cottage Pottery

Nature inspired online at www.Sweetpeacottage.etsy.com